Please login to to check and submit your CPD . Click image below to login to 1stMFPC Members Portal.

CPD Hours and Accreditation:-

Actual Hour (Learning/Lecture/Training/Writing)MFPC CPD Credit Hours
 Full day, 8 or more actual hours per dayEight (8) CPD credit hours ; Maximum fifteen (15) CPD credit hours
 Half-day / Evening classesOne (1) CPD credit hour for every actual hour (Maximum of 4 credit hours allowed)
 E-Learning/Multimedia/Approved Self Learning ProgrammeNumber of CPD credit hours awarded to be the same as that awarded to companies recognized classroom learning programme
Lecturing, Training, Speaking and Reading

One (1) CPD credit hour for every actual hour of lecture/training or speaking hour (Maximum of eight (8) CPD credit hours allowed per day). Same apply for overseas lecturing and speaking. 

For Certified RFP Trainers(CRT), maximum of 15 CPD credit hours is granted for conducting the 42 hours RFP classes. Credit hours for CPD could be earned only once for the same RFP module.

5 CPD credit hours is granted for one(1) annual subscription of financial magazines. Maximum CPD credit hours under magazine reading are capped at 5 CPD credit hours.

Writing and Publishing Articles and book(s) related to financial planning matters

Three (3) CPD credit hours for essay writing competition;Magazine Subscription (5) CPD credit hours 

Five (5) CPD credit hours for writing and publishing an article for 1000 – 1999 words;

Seven (7) CPD credit hours for writing and publishing an article for 2000 words and above;

Ten (10) CPD credit hours for writing and publishing one book for 50 – 199 pages

Fifteen (15) CPD credit hours for writing and publishing one book for 200 pages and above; A copy of articles/ published articles/ book shall be submitted to MFPC Secretariat for the record purpose of CPD compliance.

  • Credit point for CPD could be earned only once for the same programme.
  • Credit points awarded through each training centre are not transferable.
  • Maximum credit hour for a structured programme is capped at 15 credit hours
  • Endorsement Letters/certificates for attendance and lecturing/speaking from the organizing bodies shall be submitted to MFPC Secretariat for CPD compliance.
CPD Submission Guidelines

(Note) : For Submission of CPD Hours , please submit your CPD via Members Portal.