About MFPC Sarawak Chapter
The MFPC made its presence in East Malaysia with the launch of its Sarawak Chapter on 12 April 2012. YB Dato Jerip Susil, Assistant Minister of Public Health, Ministry of Local Government and Community Development Sarawak, officiated the launch. In his address YB Jerip thanked the MFPC for doing its bit for nation-building. At the launch, MFPC Deputy President, Mr. Akwal Sultan, thanked the Sarawak Chief Minister's Officer for supporting the MFPC and co-organising the event. The event was attended by 300 MFPC members, undergraduates and the general public. To commemorate the launch, MFPC Sarawak Chapter, the Centre of Modern Management, and Capacity Building for Graduates organised a seminar on Understanding Shariah Financial Planning and the Industrial Opportunities. The four speakers at the event were Tuan Hj Rafie Omar, Tuan Hj Mohd Tardmidzi Ahmad Nordin, Mr James Bong and Mr Jesse Ling.
The MFPC Sarawak Chapter is headed by Mr Chang Kwang Cheat.

Sarawak Chapter Committee Council 2023-2025 :-
No | Member Name | Position | Member Code |
1 | Chang Kwang Cheat | Chairman | M30010835 |
2 | Marcus How Fu Yaw | Deputy Chairman | M30013348 |
3 | Felicia Ting Nga Ping | Secretary | M30015980 |
4 | Wong Shi Ying | Treasurer | M30011657 |
5 | Marlene Margaret Anak John Nichol | Committee Member | M30008334 |
6 | Byron Chong Ka Shen | Committee Member | M30014686 |
7 | Leonnard Tan Kok Sing | Committee Member | M30013809 |